четверг, 10 октября 2019 г.

Breakfast Eating Habits †UK †April 2014 Report by Researchmoz Essay

Operators could look to marketing to reposition breakfast as a way to connect people or to offer a bit of me-time before tackling the day, reminding consumers that, for example, a bowl of porridge or a crumpet with butter is worth savouring. Full Report With TOC @ http://www. researchmoz. us/breakfast-eating-habits-uk-april-2014-report. html Table of Content Introduction Definition Abbreviations Executive Summary. The market Figure 1: UK retail value sales of selected breakfast foods, 2008-18 Market factors Rise in consumer expenditure and confidence Sugar is an ongoing concern Demographic changes are set to impact the breakfast market Companies, brands and innovation Hot cereals see biggest growth in NPD Figure 2: Share of new product launches in typical breakfast food markets, by sub-category, 2011-13 The consumer Almost all adults eat breakfast at home, more than half doing so every day Figure 3: Frequency of eating breakfast, by location, February 2014 Breakfast cereals are most popular at home, hot rolls/sandwiches when out of home Figure 4: Types of breakfast foods eaten at home and out of home, February 2014 Ease of preparation is most important when eating breakfast at home Figure 5: Factors influencing choice of breakfast products at home and out of home, February 2014 Three in 10 tend to eat breakfast with others, while the same number enjoy taking their time Figure 6: Attitudes towards breakfast, February 2014 What we think All Latest Market Research Report @ http://www. researchmoz. us/latest-report. html For More Information Kindly Contact: Email: sales@researchmoz. us WebSite:http://www. researchmoz. us/ Blog: http://industryresearchnews. blogspot. com.

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