пятница, 4 октября 2019 г.

Racial Profiling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Racial Profiling - Essay Example It is a racial stereotyping that members of a certain race tend to engage in a particular crime than members of the other groups. In the event of an investigation of a terror suspect in the U.S, most of the people singled out to be suspects are always Arabs and Muslims. The process will always rely on the nationality, the religion as well as the manner of dressing; this is what Michael refers to as racial profiling. In this article, the writer points out that is important to consider ones right even if a crucial investigation is being conducted. Like it or not, the universal fundamental rights of an individual has to earn consideration and also the fact that one is always innocent until proven guilty. Much of this’ discrimination is outlawed’ in the U.S. The criteria used to identify and analyze a terror suspect have regards to being racial discrimination. It is in the conclusion that ones religion, nationality, and ethnicity are judged on the criterion of identifying a terror suspect. In the way, selection of Arabs and Muslims as terror suspects will always connect the boundary that separate suspect description and relying on profiling. A good example is when a member of the public tips an officer that a suspect of certain religion or ethnicity has engaged in criminal activity. The police start by questioning member of the same religion to rule out the fact that they have formed a gang in the neighborhood, this is racial profiling. He says that when one decides on whom to suspect or point out as a terrorist on ones thought is a mere is a generalized observation (Banks &Richard 1213-1214). Widespread observation sometimes brings you to a wrong conclusion. Another pe rfect example is when an intelligence report comes that an individual building will be bombed. The report gives a specific date at a particular time; this limited description will make the police subject all Arab

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