среда, 6 мая 2020 г.

The Retributivist Approach And Reductivist Approach On...

I am going to write an essay on the retributivist approach and reductivist approach on punishment, comparing and contrasting both theories. To start off I will talk about the retributivism theory and the belief that an offender should be punished based upon the severity of the offense. I will them move onto just deserts which Is a modern retributivist theory which only focuses on crimes that have already committed making sure individuals get there just deserts for doing wrong. Next I will write about the reductivist theory which is all about trying to deter individuals from committing a crime or reoffending. Jeremy Bentham had a huge impact on reductivism believing if pain was to outweigh pleasure then it would deter individuals and overall nobody would have the desire to commit a crime as they are aware of the consequences they would have to face. Moving on to deterrence will talk about the two different types of deterrence; individual and general deterrence. Individual deterrence f ocuses on stopping individuals from reoffending whereas general deterrence is about deterring individuals who have never even committed an offence from turning to crime. Once writing about both retributivism and reductivism I will start to compare and contrast both theories, looking at the similarities and differences. Finally I will give my own opinion on the theories and which theory I believe is best, talking about how retributivist and reductivist punishments are different and the good andShow MoreRelatedShould Punishment Be Punished For The Crime?1866 Words   |  8 PagesPunishment can be described as ‘a legally approved method designed to facilitate the task of crime control’ (Garland, 1990: 18). According to the criminal justice act 2003 the aims of punishment are to punish the offender for their wrongdoing; to reduce crime; to reform and rehabilitate offenders; to protect the public and for offenders to make amends to the person/persons affected by their offen ces. There are many philosophical justifications as to what the purpose of punishment should be. TheRead MoreA Brief Note On Criminal Justice Now And Its Impact On Offending Behavior2153 Words   |  9 PagesCRIMINAL JUSTICE NOW 1. Compare and contrast a Retributivist and a Reductivist approach to punishment. Within your answer, consider which approach is likely to have an appreciable impact upon offending behavior The reductionist technique to criminal law discipline, every so often similarly suggested as the anticipation philosophy, is a forward-looking style of control which looks to dishearten crooks from undertaking future criminal development. This is conceivable especially, where a single individual

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