воскресенье, 17 мая 2020 г.

The Revolution Of The 19th Century - 1609 Words

In the early 19th century, Napoleon rose to power in Europe. In 1804, a young man, visited his empire. In 1808, he conquered Spain. In 1810, the Spanish colonies rebelled, and the leader of the army of the republic of Venezuela was that young man, Simon Bolivar, regarded by many as the greatest genius that the Latin American world has ever produced. His life was profoundly influential on the history of the Americas, and it changed them for the better. The revolution began when Napoleon conquered Spain in the Peninsular war. He then installed his brother Joseph as king of Spain, booting out the Bourbon Dynasty. This inflamed the tensions that had been going on in the Spanish American colonies for a long time, as there were disagreements between those who supported the Bourbon dynasty, those who supported the new dynasty, and those who wished to follow the American example and become free. Bolivar was a member of the last group. In 1810, the Spanish Governor of Venezuela was expelled f rom the colony. In 1811, the fledgling state ratified a constitution, and declared independence from Spain. An aging former general, Francisco Miranda, who had been exiled from Venezuela in 1806 after his role in an attempted revolution, was persuaded to return to Venezuela to lead the army of the new republic. Unfortunately for Venezuela, Spain sent an expeditionary force in 1811, and in 1812 Miranda betrayed the new republic and surrendered his army to Spain. Bolivar was forced by this toShow MoreRelatedThe Revolution Of The 19th Century939 Words   |  4 PagesAs the United States entered the 19th century, a new era of development and evolution in its economy, population, and technology was ushered into American society. America s economic and industrial power grew as a result of the industrial revolution of the 1800 s. At this time, organizations known as political machines saw an opportunity and capitalized on the fears and desires of individuals who wanted to achieve the Ame rican dream but could not necessarily find the means to achieve those goalsRead MoreThe Revolution Of The 19th Century955 Words   |  4 PagesIn the late 18th century, the world was about to witness another revolution for democracy. After the United States emerged victorious in the quest for independence it would become an example to the world. France, America’s ally during the war, would be further crippled financially by this quest for independence, and in turn let the Third Estate, the third social class in French politics composed of lower class people, see this example. As France spiraled into moderate depression the people wouldRead MoreThe French Revolution And The 19th Century871 Words   |  4 PagesFrench Revolution took place in the late 18th century which undermined the traditional monarchy of France as well as the hereditary aristocracy. The Enlightenment was an important origin of the French Revolution as people wanted the government to provide natural rights to individuals. They did not seek a violent revolution, however so individuals had strong beliefs in the Enlightenment ideas which led to a revolt. A few important factors had a major impact on the origin of the revolution includingRead MoreThe Industrial Revolution During The 19th Century1468 Words   |  6 Pages The industrial revolution began in the 18th and 19th centuries. During this time most people lived on farms or in small rural villages. Prior to the industrial revolution most manufacturing was done in homes using hand tools and simple basic machines. People lived where their daily existences revolved around farming. Life for the average person was difficult, as incomes were meager, and malnourishment and disease were common. People produced the bulk of their own food, clothing, furniture and toolsRead MoreThe Industrial Revolution Of The 19th Century927 Words   |  4 PagesEurope in the nineteenth-century was rapidly evolving into a more modernized society, and many political and cultural ideas were developing during this change. The Industrial Revolution triggered an enormous increase of the standard of living throughout most of Europe and North America. The transformation from the old style of hand made production to the new factory system caused many industries to build factories. This caused many people of the working class to move to the factories in search ofRead MoreThe Industrial Revolution During The 19th Century1521 Words   |  7 PagesThe Industrial Revolution was an important milestone in history and influenced almost every part of the standard of living. From the new discoveries in technology there became new jobs available, which presented new working conditions, and the middle class had a new outlook on life. During the 19th century, changes and new ideas formed what would advance the modern world, the shift from an agricultural and handmade economy to a machine and manufactured one (Judge 664). Goods like coal, iron, andRead M oreThe Industrial Revolution During The 19th Century973 Words   |  4 Pages The industrial revolution was a time of urbanisation, social and technological change that took place during the 18th and 19th centuries. Economic growth changed the British peoples experiences in all aspects of their lives including how they worked and travelled. Although it was harsh period of time for millions of people, due to the working conditions, it was also an advantage as it was a world-changing period of time. Before the industrial revolution took place, people lived their lives in aRead MoreThe Industrial Revolution During The 19th Century1161 Words   |  5 PagesFrom the 18th to the 19th centuries, Britain was a far more developed country than any others in the world. There are more than one factor that made the Industrial Revolution happened first in Britain, some examples are: The Agricultural Revolution, the growth of population, The Enlightenment and the Scientific Revolution, World Trading, and the Cottage Industry. With all those factors, it comes down to: What started the Industrial Revolution? The clothe industry was one of the big factor. UnlikeRead MoreThe Industrial Revolution During The 19th Century851 Words   |  4 Pagesmost crucial changes for today’s modern society was the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution brought many changes to the societies that experienced the process of industrialization. Some of the changes benefited society, while others caused harm to most of the society. Most affected by these changes was the working class of these societies. The Industrial Revolution that took place throughout the 18th and the 19th centuries had major effects which influenced every aspect of society and lifeRead MoreThe Industrial Revolution During The 19th Century955 Words   |  4 PagesIn the late 18th and early 19th centuries Europe found itself dealing with vast changes in its way of life. The Industrial Revolution took Europeans from the rural countryside into the urban powerhouses as the continent experienced a sudden shift in everyday living, economic structure, and social hierarchy. This sudden change in how Europe was ran from an economic standpoint caused yet another rift between the proletariats and bourgeoisies. Life became difficult for the newly founded working class

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